Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Missing my bestfriend.

I didn't realize it till now, but Shawn really is my bestfriend. Of course I've got other friends, but you have that one bestfriend you always want to be with. You always want to talk to. Before he left we did everything together, I always had Shawn to hang out with. We hung out with other friends to, but for the most part it was just Shawn and I.
It's been so hard being away and not being able to talk. I was hoping when he gets to tech school that it will all go back to how it was. At least being able to talk. I know he's still busy, and still needs to focus on school, I try to tell myself to be understanding when I don't hear from him.

But its SO hard!

I just don't understand why he can't just talk to me all the time!

I mean I really do understand. Its just I want to spend hours talking about everything and nothing. It's been two months since we could do that. I love to talk. About everything, little or big. I like to make plans. I like people to be involved in my plans. I like to hear input on my plans. If it's one thing I hate, it's to plan by myself. Exspecially when it involves other people.

On the rare occasions we get to talk for more than a few minutes, it's weird. I have to think, what did we used to talk about? With the three hour time change its difficult to. I'm getting off work and he's already in bed. Going to take some getting used to.

And I'll probably have to learn some patiance lol.

I've just missed him so much.

On another note, we find out if it's a boy or girl tomorrow. I've got the ultrasound at eleven then a midwife appt at noon. So thats exciting! Crossing my fingers for a girl. But something tells me it's going to be a boy. Either way we'll take it :)

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