Friday, February 12, 2010

Because I love my aunts....

So there is this guy. And this other guy. And well, yes, yet another guy.

Bob, George and Fred.

Three guys who have taken out loans and an apartment in the back of my head. They seem to love it there because they don't quite want to leave. And so I'm stuck being the landlord, to nice to kick them out.

Fred is a music person. Therefore, there is always a song playing in my head. Always some lyric on the edge of my tounge, begging to be sung.

George is a dangerous person. Always nagging me to do my own thing. Be my own person. And when being insulted, insults right back.

And Bob. Well Bob is just Bob. And thats it.

Oh and an update on my second interview, that was today. It went really good I think. I went with Megan to get a costume from DI, we did pretty good. I should know by Monday if I got the job or not. Lets hope I did. And if not, well I have an interview for Quiznos on Monday. So I get a second chance at a job. Yay me!

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