Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feelings written on paper

So I was inspired by my friend Jordan, who is a great poet, I think so at least. To give writing a try. I way like writing in general, so here is my attempt at Poetry. It's not very good. The last two are my first attempts. Some of them really don't have a personal meaning to them. Like I miss you, that one was just written, ideas come to my head, and then I write them down.

By Kimber Smith
I miss those eyes
green like none other.
Face it, my hands
don't fit with another.
That smile so cute,
so crooked and pure.
Sprinkled freckles
that's for sure.
It's you who brings
those tears to my eyes.
The one who said that
last goodbye.
So play me a song
and tell me its fine.
Some day, one way
you'll be mine.
(Not the original last verse. It will come later.)
This on is for my friend Sam.
By Kimber Smith
Trust in me
To keep your secrets safe and sound
To always be here, there and around.
Trust in me
to bring you up,
when you have reached the ground
To see you smile and say you're fine,
but cross my arms and say you're lyin.
Trust in me to know I'm right,
but give into avoid that fight.
times of darkness, trust in me to
always be the light.
Trust in me
to let you go but always know,
I'll be your friend until the end.
By Kimber Smith
As I sit upon this Rock, I listen.
Hear that?It’s the wind rustling the leaves.
It's the bark of a far off dog, wanting attention.
It’s the waves rippling onto the shore.
Isn’t it Beautiful?
As I sit upon this Rock, I watch.
See that?
It’s the Ocean, gray like the sky on a cloudy day.
It’s the Majestic Mountains atop with snow as white as a dove.
It’s the trees dancing to the music of the wind with colors to brighten your day.
Isn’t it Beautiful?
As I sit upon this Rock, I touch.
Feel that?
It’s the cold seeping its way through my warm winter coat.
It’s the sharp bristles of the grass quickly fading to yellow.
It’s the tip of a branch tapping my shoulder as if to say “hello”.
Isn’t it Beautiful?
As I sit upon this Rock, I sniff.
Smell that?
It’s the salty breeze coming off the Ocean.
It’s the promise of a rain storm soon on its way.
It’s the nothing and everything of a peaceful Fall day.
Isn’t it Beautiful?
As I sit upon this Rock, I think.
Think what you may ask?
It’s the beauty of imagination,
Things you can only imagine if you take the time
To sit upon this rock as I do.
Isn’t it Beautiful?
By Kimber Smith
They fall from the sky
With beauty and grace.
On a day like today,
Cold and gray.
All different sizes,
And all different shapes.
White as a dove,
Small like a bug.
Cold to the touch
Melts into slush.
I open thy mouth big and wide
Stick out thy tongue for here they come.
They stick together and pile up high,
Almost as if they can reach the sky.
It comes all morning, day and night
To cover the earth in a blanket of white.

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